When emfluence brought their Marketing Platform to our dinner table, they brought their appetite. They wanted to know what their users – email and social media marketers – needed from their web-based toolset and we served up answers. We listened to their users, and looked at their UI processes. Then we catered the following eight course meal, a meal that kept them satisfied all year long.

The menu….

emfluence's marketing platform, before and after

–       The Heuristic Evaluation is where FluidUI samples what the entire platform has to offer. Then as a restaurant critic would, we rate and comment on everything from navigation to error messaging.

–       A Walkthrough of findings follows with key team members at the table. Here we brainstorm on the findings and next steps.

–       User Interviews are next on the plate, which reveal honest opinions on features, fixes, support and services to retain users’ business.

–       On the User Guide Rewrite course, we break down the info of the guide to make it easier to digest, then we beef it up with visuals and interactive content.

–       An Onboarding Review is  served next, making the lecture style training more interactive and identifying target groups who are quick to on-board and less demanding to support, thus less costly.

Then on the Questionnaire Findings we review previous questionnaire results to determine what to ask and the best format for the questionnaire.

With New Functionality Feedback Fluid serves up benchmarks and best practices from software, sites and mobile apps, to refine the new offerings.

–  For dessert a Usability Map helps digest all the findings to determine what sections of the site are used most and which areas have the greatest requests. Thus, making it easy to determine how to effectively spend development dollars.

Our menu also offers UX design which Sprint, Cerner and Mail Print feasted on to connect with new markets and simplify UIs to retain users.

Be a smart cookie, bring us in to sample one of our strategy and design services, so you can alleviate your users’ hunger pains.