The band and the ballpark principal helped me start FluidUI. I wanted to do what I knew, be an interactive agency. I hadn’t considered being a user interface (UI) or user experience (UX) consultant. But my board knew better. They knew the market already had too many interactive agencies and web designers competing among themselves. They knew UI and UX design was something new.
They knew of my talents. As a practical designer the user-friendly designing of new and existing technology suited me. One of them also knew about a branding book named Zag, a 200 page white board like book that I devoured in less than 24 hours. It had two simple principles that everyone in business should know.
1) Get in front of a band, and lead it. My band is the new trend of user experience. What’s yours?
2) The baseball strategy of hitting the ball where the other team ain’t. I am one of the few Midwest UI and UX consultants handling e-commerce, software, and mobile. What are you or could you be doing that few are?
So the next time you are starting a new project, product or venture, think of bands and ballparks.