Last Spring I was given a delightful little puzzle by a Sprint User Experience (UX) Manager. He challenged me to apply the PET Principal (Persuasion, Emotion and Trust) to the footer of A new look to the footer that would speak to prospects and customers, as well as add color to a sleek looking gray site that he termed bordered on vanilla.
To start, I researched Sprint’s brand and offerings and of those of their competitors. Next, I did a search on best footer designs (yes, you have to be a true design geek to get into these). I kept on being drawn to Sprint’s recent award as a Top Ten Green Ranking Company by Newsweek. How could this best be conveyed to Sprint’s customers and in particular their prospects.
After a few mock-ups by me and the diligence of Sprint’s UX, marketing and branding teams over the next several months, a new ‘green’ footer spruced up this Spring that hilites:
- Sprint’s green efforts on campus, which is money saving
- Going paperless in billing, more money saving
- Buying back old phones, money making for the customer and Sprint
- Sprint’s position as a leader across industries, capitalizing on an external non-bias ranking
Thus, we tapped into all the PET aspects while enhancing the look of So while the calendar says Fall, I bet FluidUI can still put spring into your interactive design, marketing and branding efforts. Give us a call, 816-561-2315.
Read more on the PET Principal.